This article will be a little review of the place and attractions that exist in the land of the Batak, the territory of the Indonesian Batak tribe inhabits. Hopefully with this information, you will be interested to visit this strategic holiday to spend your leisure time with family.
1.Lake Toba
Who does not know of Lake Toba, the largest lake in Indonesia, which saves a lot of beauty in it with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. It was said that according to local folklore of this lake formed from a man who has violated his oath to mention was the son of a fish. However, according to research by the geologist that Lake Toba was formed from the explosion or eruption (super volcano) about 73000-75000 years ago. It is estimated that at the time of the eruption of volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from China to South Africa. The explosion occurred during 1 week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level. Culture around Lake Toba is extremely interesting to be enjoyed as well as the Batak Dance "Tor-tor", the People's Party of Lake Toba is held once a year, stuffed full motion mystical "sigale-gale", marriage and death ceremonies, traditional house "Sopo ", grave stone (sarcophagus) and nuanced ancient monument, weaving ulos, and a variety of other interesting crafts.
2. Gundaling, BerasTagih
Gundaling hill, is one of the attractions in Berastagi, which is approximately 3 km from the city center of Berastagi. Hill with an elevation of 1575 above sea level, is very comfortable as a family recreation. From the top of this hill we can also enjoy the panorama Sibayak and Sinabung volcano. According to the official website of Medan city government, that the location of this tour has been known since the Dutch colonial era as a place of recreation that is exciting. From Medan to Berastagi direction is approximately 66 km. Known as the city of Passion Fruit and Orange Sweet, Brastagih a cool area that has a beautiful stretch of agricultural cultivation, spacious and green. In addition, this area also has full facilities such as: star hotels, restaurants and golf courses.
3. Air Terjun 2 Warnah di Sibolangit
Located in the village of Durin Sirugun, the foot of Mount Sibayak, North Sumatra. Can be reached by land, crossing Campgrounds and articles. Distance from the field - and articles about 75km, and from the Main Gate Campgrounds and articles takes about 2-3 hours to arrive in Niagara Two Colors. The roads to Niagara Two Color this, you can come back fresh for forest scenery and fresh air. Pristine state that can be used to rejuvenate the body of any fatigue. However, on weekends, attractions Niagara Two Colors in articles for this very crowded with local tourists. It is advisable to come on weekdays only if you are going for a walk to get there. When entering Campgrounds and articles in Bandar Baru village, you can wander the woods with hiking or walking leisurely for 3 hours, and to avoid getting lost, it helps you to be assisted by a local guide. Sign up at checkpoints and will report to the Niagara Two Colors. Waterfall Two Color altitude of 100 meters, sourced from Mount Sibayak, and the water coming down from the top of the river will be accommodated into a small lake. The color of this waterfall is blue and grayish-white, because the content of phosphorus and sulfur which will produce a light blue warha. Because it contains sulfur, you are forbidden to drink water from the Niagara Two Colors.
4. Bukit Lawang, Langkat
Bukit Lawang tourist attraction in Kecamatan.Bahorok, Langkat is one tourist destination in North Sumatra, which has long been recognized. Over time, this attraction had collapsed due to flash floods on November 2 2003.Tercatat in 2010 as many as 8,931 tourists from 49 countries during 2010 has been visited attractions Bukit Lawang. No wonder there are many tourists visit this place for its natural beauty and its wildlife for example is an orangutan, elephant, rhino and tiger. Bukit Lawang Niagara attractions are in Bukit Lawang, Leuseur Mountain National Park. In this area we will see the Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre which is an agency's work program of the World Wide Life Fund (WWF). This location can be seen how the life of the orang-utan rehabilitation of officers who have been there know the outdoors as a habitat for life.
5. Sipiso-piso
Bukit Lawang Niagara attractions are in Bukit Lawang, Leuseur Mountain National Park. Will be found in the region Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre which is an agency's work program of the World Wide Life Fund (WWF). This location can be seen how the life of the orang-utan rehabilitation of officers who have been there know the outdoors as a habitat for life. Curiosity led me to go down, through the streets and winding and steep stairs. From a distance course this already captivating waterfall. Runs and runs continuously, even though the sun had burned most of my energy. Finally, legs shaking and sweat that has already fallen is comparable with that obtained when he got the beauty underneath, at the scene of the waterfall.
6. Teluk Tapian Nauli
Can not be known with certainty since when the earth began Nauli Buts Gulf inhabited. However, based on a number of historical records, since the year 1500 is estimated to have occurred trade relations between the residents of the Gulf Buts Nauli with the outside world the most distant land of Gujarat and other immigrants from foreign countries such as Egypt, Siam, China. The leading group Buts Nauli also been known in Mesopotamia, at least not through oral history that brought the Arab merchants. Not a new story again that the sea waters along the west coast of Sumatra is much store "pearl". Stored, and not entirely excavated. And according to the survey, the "pearl" This is renewable. Nauli Buts Gulf has long been recognized by the marine wealth owned. Ocean region stored in Indonesia's famous fish expensive in the world market such as grouper, snapper, tuna, mackerel and various types of small pelagic fish such as lemuru, song, bloating and kites. Here life; demersal fish, shrimp, lobster, known hard sell in the market to cater to the home-meal famous in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Tuna, for example, the type of fish is very popular in the world market turns are common in marine waters Sibolga. This is evidenced by the results of the study by a group of entrepreneurs and researchers from Australia who concluded that Sibolga to the boundary waters hundreds of miles to Ocean Indonesia is a nest of tuna.
7. Mount Sibayak
Sibayak mountain located in the highlands of Karo with a height of 2,094 m above sea level. Mountain peak state that has been devastated by the eruption of the past can be reached from two places, namely: from the village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and from the town of Berastagi. Mount Sibayak is gunng fire is still active, and has a sloping crater enough to descend and seemed not too dangerous as long as not too close. The mountain is not so difficult to climb even by a novice. Just as Mount Gede in West Java, this mountain is always crowded by local climbers On the night Sunday. They usually start climbing around 02.00 am to get a view of the top of the mountain's sunrise. From the top of this mountain, we can see a view of the city of Medan in the distance.
Thank you for you to do, see our previous article : Historical Origin of Batak Tribe in Indonesia.
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